
朋友狗狗是一名領養者。從2005前收養 「聰聰」 開始,朋友狗狗開始認識和尊重生命。多年來,從 「聰聰」 身上,2011年在繁殖場被拯救的 「思思」 身上,2014 年也是在繁殖場被拯救的「桃桃」 身上,朋友狗狗不僅學懂了生命的意義,人生的哲學,和待人處事的態度。他們,對於朋友狗狗來說,就是有著很厚深感情,曾經共患難,共生死的良師益友。

朋友狗狗支持領養,更支持寵愛一生。反對繁殖,反對購買,及一切以生命作為買賣的行為。 請以認養代替購買~


英國 RSPCA 的入罪個案

以下是英國 RSPCA 於2012年的其中一單成功入罪個案。
RSPCA 有檢控的權力,他們對於虐待個案"零"容忍,總裁更表示會不遺餘力去執法及檢控。
另一個飼主,因為使用附有電極的頸帶,被裁定違反殘忍對待動物罪,被罰款二千英鎊 (折約港幣二萬六千元)。


24 April 2012

Animal cruelty convictions in Wales rise 31%, says RSPCA

This pony was found in a cellar in Gilfach Goch and led to a prosecution

The number of people who were convicted of animal cruelty in Wales increased by more than a third last year, says the RSPCA.

Among the convictions was a man who was jailed after animals, including a pony and goats, were kept in a cellar in the south Wales valleys.

The RSPCA says across the UK it is at "breaking point" due to the number of animals being referred to the charity.

But it pledged zero tolerance against anyone causing animals to suffer.

A man was jailed for 12 weeks at Pontypridd Magistrates' Court and banned from keeping animals for life after his conviction last June.  His wife was also convicted of animal cruelty, which included keeping a pony and goats in the cellar of a former pub in Gilfach Goch.

Another court case highlighted by the charity was a dog owner in the Vale of Glamorgan fined £2,000 after becoming the first to be prosecuted in Britain for using an illegal electric shock collar.  The man admitted using an illegal electric shock collar in April last year to stop his border collie jumping over a wall.  But he denied he had been warned the collar was illegal.

"The RSPCA faces a crisis that is stretching us to breaking point," said RSPCA chief executive Gavin Grant.  "We show zero tolerance to animal abusers. Anyone causing animals pain for profit or pleasure will be tracked down and prosecuted.

'Getting justice'

"We need the courts and councils, police and people who care to join us in standing up and getting justice for Wales' abused animals."

The figures show:

A 31% rise in the number of people convicted for cruelty and neglect, with 84 cases in Wales in 2011; A 39% rise in the number of convictions secured at magistrates' courts - 239 last year
More than 29,000 complaints of animal cruelty were investigated by the RSPCA in Wales in 2010, according to figures published last May.

Gethin Russell Jones from the RSPCA Wales said the surge "could be partly economic" and that people are now more aware of animals being abused or neglected.

He said the Animal Welfare Act offered "more scope now, not just to prosecute but to caution, to warn and to educate".

Sally Case, head of society prosecutions at the RSPCA, said: "The RSPCA strives to keep animals with their owners wherever possible and offers advice on improving their welfare.

"Overwhelmingly this advice is followed, but where it isn't, or where someone has already harmed an animal, there has to be a way of ensuring that animals are not left to suffer and the RSPCA is the charity people turn to, and we are struggling to continue providing this service.

"Of course we work closely with governmental and other charitable organisations, but we are the main organisation which prosecutes those who abuse animals and which can prevent cruelty to animals.

"We can't do this without the help and support of the public and we need it now more than ever."

RSPCA Wales cruelty prosecutions 2011

Region Defendants reported Defendants convicted
North and mid Wales
South west Wales
South east Wales
Source: RSPCA

Source: BBC News Wales

