
朋友狗狗是一名領養者。從2005前收養 「聰聰」 開始,朋友狗狗開始認識和尊重生命。多年來,從 「聰聰」 身上,2011年在繁殖場被拯救的 「思思」 身上,2014 年也是在繁殖場被拯救的「桃桃」 身上,朋友狗狗不僅學懂了生命的意義,人生的哲學,和待人處事的態度。他們,對於朋友狗狗來說,就是有著很厚深感情,曾經共患難,共生死的良師益友。

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幼犬交際 (Puppy Socialisation)

上一個月跟大家分享過有關 👉幼犬訓練👈,今天就和大家談談幼犬的交際吧。
Last month, we have discussed about 👉Puppy Training👈, today, let's talk more about Puppy Socialisation.

什麼是幼犬交際? What is puppy socialisation?

Socialisation is the process of allowing your dog to get used to your surroundings, people and other dogs through early and continual exposure.

為什麼幼犬需要交際?Why puppies need socialisation?

The more a puppy encounters when its young, and the more positive reinforcement it receives, the better they will be able to cope with changes and different experience in life.  

他們應該在什麼時期開始學習交際呢?At what age should a puppy start socialisation training?

As you will not wait until your children grow up before you send them to school, dogs should also not be withheld from socialisation training until they are grown up.
The age of 3-20 weeks is regarded as a puppy's "special time in life when a small amount of experience will produce a great effect on later behaviour" (by JP Scott and John Fuller).  Whatever they experienced during this period, regardless of their likes and dislikes, fears and anxieties, laid the foundation of their personality.  This special period is therefore the learning pattern of how they cope with life.

研究亦顯示這個年齡,是狗狗主人開始行為訓練的最佳時間。在這個時期能夠建立良好的行為訓練模式,亦可以減少將來發生行為問題 (例如:過度活躍、過度驚荒、侵略行為、分離焦慮、及服從問題) 的機會。
Research also shows that this age of 3-20 weeks is the optimal period for dog owners to commence behavioral training. By establishing a good training model during this period, the chance of having undesirable problems, such as hyperactivity, excessive fearfulness, aggression, separation anxiety and general disobedience, can be reduced in the future.

Now, as we know that this special period is so important, as dog owners, we have the responsibility to work very hard to enable your doggie have a good life.

那我應該怎樣做呢?So what should I do?

1) 應該讓你年幼的狗狗開始接觸不同的人,包括男、女、老、幼  Allow your puppy to reach out to different people, including men, women, young and the elderly

2) 應該安全地讓你年幼的狗狗開始與不同的狗狗品種、大小型犬,及其他類型的動物交流 Allow your puppy to safely reach out to different breeds and size of dogs, and other types of animals

3) 主人及狗狗都應該開始學習友善的互動及指令,例如美容、擁抱、停止、放下及回來等 Owners and puppy should start learning friendly interactions such as grooming, hugging, stop, leave and back 

4) 主人及狗狗都應該開始學習避免狗狗產生佔有慾,例 對某一家庭成員、食物、玩具、床舖等 Owners and puppy should start learning how to prevent the development of guarding aggressiveness, such as a particular family member, food, toys, beddings

Photo from Positively.com, Victoria Stilwell

總結 Conclusion

幼犬交際的目的是盡力使年幼狗狗能夠喜愛所有人包括陌生人,喜歡其他狗狗及動物,及在各種不同情況下都可以感到輕鬆自信的狗狗 (例如在被人擁抱、親吻時,又例如不應害怕剪指甲及刷牙齒),並願意服從指令。
As a conclusion, the aim for puppy socialisiation is to enable our puppy can feel relaxed and confident in different situations (such as being hugged, kissed, or for example not afraid of nail clipping and brushing teeth), liking all people including strangers, liking other doggies and animals, and willing to abide instructions.

申延閱讀 More reading options:


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