
朋友狗狗是一名領養者。從2005前收養 「聰聰」 開始,朋友狗狗開始認識和尊重生命。多年來,從 「聰聰」 身上,2011年在繁殖場被拯救的 「思思」 身上,2014 年也是在繁殖場被拯救的「桃桃」 身上,朋友狗狗不僅學懂了生命的意義,人生的哲學,和待人處事的態度。他們,對於朋友狗狗來說,就是有著很厚深感情,曾經共患難,共生死的良師益友。

朋友狗狗支持領養,更支持寵愛一生。反對繁殖,反對購買,及一切以生命作為買賣的行為。 請以認養代替購買~



因為聰聰的身體最近又差了,我們打算把拍婚紗照的日子提前。所以,過去一個 weekend,不斷訪尋狗狗禮服,為聰聰思思能夠跟我們一起影婚紗相做好準備!
找了一些相熟的店,問過一些朋友的意見,又上淘寶找呀找的,最後決定去找我們的專 「買」 店 美の貓犬良品舍,請他們的店主幫忙!
只需一個 weekend,我們的禮服的款式已經定下來了。看~
是一套簡約一點的頸圈式禮服,男孩子的一條領帶,再配上女孩子的一條 lace 花花頸圈,係咪好型男索女呢~~~ 



呢條 lace 裙仔。。。
再配埋呢條打 bow 的全身褲仔。。。

!!真係 sweet 到爆呀!!
當中上面第一、二套的頸圈都係  美の貓犬良品舍 自家製的,
所有照片及設計版權屬於  美の貓犬良品舍 及其供應戶所有,


暖了你的身 暖不了你的心的: 「安哥拉兔毛」

~ 殘忍變態虐貓虐狗狂徒這裡不歡迎你,請回家去切割自己~
早兩天,PETA ASIA 發佈了有關他們對 「安哥拉兔毛」 來源的秘密調查報告,發表了很多很殘忍的照片。終於,各大報章都已經一一轉載了。很開心見到我的朋友都紛紛在面書轉載或懺悔,呼籲各自的朋友不要再盲目追求「安哥拉兔毛」的溫暖柔軟了。

關於「安哥拉兔毛」的來源及方法我不再重覆。其實自從去年開始做有關 「動物測試」 的研究之後,我已經開始減少了很多用動物皮毛身體做的日用品。手袋啦,大衣啦,護膚品啦。我知道要一下子完全取締不是一件容易的事,畢竟我們都不是活在深山的隠世人士。因此,我可以接受慢慢的改變。至少,我真的好希望你們,我的朋友,肯踏出第一步去尊重生命。

沒有了 「安哥拉兔毛」、「羊毛」、「羽毛」 做的毛衣披肩大衣,我們會冷死嗎?
這,就正如不吃 「漁翅」、你們會餓死嗎,的問題一樣。。。
看一看這 PETA 在網站發放的短片

->其他有關 「動物測試」 的文章<-

(1) 經濟日報 2013年11月21日

兔毛衣飾 美麗背後不人道  每3月強扯毛 團體籲罷買安哥拉兔產品

9成安哥拉兔毛 產自中國



長困鐵籠 癡呆腳爛耳發炎



->其他有關 「動物測試」 的文章
A Look Inside the Angora Rabbit Fur Industry

PETA Asia's shocking new undercover investigation reveals that angora rabbits have their fur ripped from their skin fistful by fistful as they scream in pain. These gentle and quiet animals have to be in agony to cry out in this way. They endure this torture every three months for up to five years. And 90 percent of the world's angora, used to make sweaters and accessories, comes from China, where there are no penalties for the abuse of animals on farms and no standards to regulate their treatment.

After watching the video, you'll never buy angora again.

The undercover footage, shot by PETA Asia, found horrific routine cruelty to angora rabbits, whose long, soft fur is often used in sweaters and accessories. The investigator filmed workers who were violently ripping the fur from the animals' sensitive skin as they screamed at the top of their lungs in pain. After this terrifying and barbaric ordeal, which the rabbits endure every three months, many of them appeared to go into shock, lying motionless inside their tiny, filthy cages, with no solid flooring or bedding, and without the vital companionship of other rabbits. After two to five years, those who have survived are hung upside down, their throats are slit, and their bodies are sold.

Rabbits who have their fur cut or sheared also suffer: During the cutting process, their front and back legs are tightly tethered—a terrifying experience for any prey animal—and the sharp cutting tools inevitably wound them as they struggle desperately to escape.
Ninety percent of angora fur comes from China, where there are no penalties for abuse of animals on farms and no standards to regulate the treatment of the animals. When you buy a sweater, hat, or other product that contains angora, the angora fur most likely originated in China, even if the finished product was assembled elsewhere.

Rabbits are gentle, socially complex, and intelligent animals with individual personalities, just like dogs and cats. In their natural habitat, rabbits live in scrupulously clean burrows and spend their time foraging for fresh, leafy food and interacting with members of their warren.
->其他有關 「動物測試」 的文章


長洲北晀亭 (11月9日)

上個星期我地去咗 長洲。好耐冇嚟呢個小島喇。記得上一次嚟係夏天,當時剛剛幫兩老買咗救生衣,諗住帶佢兩個去游水啦。點知嚟到,兩條友仔驚到飛起,唔肯落水不特止,仲強烈反抗兼黑面!當日,一上水就唔敢再逗留急急腳咁走喇。

入秋之後我地就開始帶佢地去遠足喇。忽然記起喺好多年前,有個朋友帶過朋友狗狗同聰聰去長洲的 北晀亭,嗰度風景好靚。問問主人,佢未去過!


Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013

落咗船之後 先轉左 然後一直向前,沿住 新興海傍街、北社海傍路 行到 長貴路,再沿住 長貴路長北路 一直行,途經 冰廠路 同埋 長貴村

啱晒怕人多怕噪的我地 ^-^

Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013

而路的左手邊就係 長洲灣 海岸線成條路有樹蔭又有海風,行得好爽。
而路下面就有個小小的 沙灘仔,冇救生員的。
Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013

否則就 盡量唔好上山打搞別人 喇。。。

我地嚟到呢個位又見到 SPCA 的毒狗告示喇! >.< !

由碼頭行到呢度我地行咗大半個鐘左右 (放狗速度 --- 慢嗰隻),就見到左手邊有一個休息區,有啲大石俾人坐,又有啲遮蔭的地方咁啦,望海的,好舒服架 

Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013 

喺壇的前面就係 長北路的入口喇。。。

Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013


Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013 

呢兩位小朋友 SET 晒架步地墊咁喺度休息架,不過佢地都冇乜阻撓我地,只不過象徵式咁吠咗幾聲就俾我地上山喇。


Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013

上到 北晀亭 喇!



Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013


本來,我地係稔住喺東堤嗰邊野餐的,但係因為負重行咗好耐,朋友狗狗同主人都有啲攰同肚餓喇,我地就決定喺北晀亭紮營 (坐低食嘢)!

Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013

Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013

Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013


Copyright 朋友狗狗@2013




尋找 Leaping Bunny 的故事:莎莎篇

今日心血來潮,又有時間,走咗入莎莎,試下搵一啲 Leaping Bunny 的產品。首先,等我地重溫一下乜嘢係 Leaping Bunny 先:

跟住,就要睇下點解我地要搵 Leaping Bunny 先:

有呢幾個兔仔的產品,表示其產品及其成份,都係 "唔用" 動物來做測試的,又即係 "零殘忍" 的產品。

呢啲兔仔可以喺包裝的背面,通常都在製造地 (Made In....) 、電腦條文的附近出現。


1. 原來 Giovanni 呢個牌子 (美國製造) 大部份的洗髮及沐浴用品都有 Leaping Rabbit 的。我就試咗一支 Avocado & Olive Oil 的護法素 (圖的右上),希望可以取代到 Kiehl's 的同類型成份。

2. 另外,我亦留意到 Farmasi (土耳其製造) 呢一個品牌好多嘢都有 Leaping Rabbit 的。仲第一次俾我發現到原來濕紙巾 (圖下) 都有 Leaping Rabbit 的。幾蚊一包,買得過!

3. 臨俾錢的時候,見到 Counter 擺咗一排 Farmasi 的潤手霜 (圖的左上) 細支裝,又有兔仔架噃!買一支放手袋試下都好吖!


原來除咗 Body Shop,Lush 等比較容易識認的品牌之外,喺香港係仲有其他選擇架!只要大家肯續啲續啲試,買一件換一件,好快就可以將屋企的殘忍產品換走晒架喇!



香港仔水塘 (11月2日)


呢度係我地第一次嚟嘅香港仔水塘,我地由香港仔郊野公園甘道入口 (警察博物館附近) 出發,呢度出發呢,就係向下行的,所以對我地年老狗狗嚟講,就冇咁辛苦啦 (嘻嘻!)









更多照片 (Facebook)


中國打算廢除動物測試的要求 - Cruelty Free International

今天,在 Cruelty Free International 看到一篇很鼓舞的新聞稿(如下)。內容是說經過多個月來的遊說,中國的 國家食品藥品監督管理局 正打算於 2014 年 6 月的時候廢除要求在國內行銷的洗髮用品、護膚品及香水生產商先進行動物測試的檢驗才可出台。



如果中國真的會在 2014年取消這個落後於大社會的法律要求,相信下一年我們做 Peta Dont List 的更新時,看得見的名單將會更接近我們現實能夠接觸到的喇!

可是,就上述 CFI 的更新,筆者到目前為止仍然未能夠找到中國官方發放的消息予以確認。希望不是空歡喜一場啦。


Non-animal testing cosmetics breakthrough reported in China

Cruelty Free International welcomes reports that the Chinese Food and Drug Administration propose to abolish the requirement for animal testing for cosmetics for domestically manufactured ordinary products (such as shampoo, skincare or perfume) from June 2014. Instead it proposes that industry should now have the option to assess the safety of a substance based on the toxicological profile of ingredients, similar to the Cosmetic Product Safety Report under the EU Cosmetic Regulations. China will thereafter consider further steps for imports and special-use cosmetics based on the experiences.
Despite a global trend to end the testing of cosmetics on animals, and although such testing is illegal for marketing in the European Union since March this year, progress has been delayed in China by the requirement for all cosmetics to be submitted for animal testing in Government laboratories. This has forced companies selling their products in China to duplicate their safety procedures, testing without the use of animals for Europe and then allowing China to re-test with animals. As a result, a number of leading companies have refused to sell cosmetics in China until it becomes possible to do so without animal testing.
This significant development, which will enable companies to market cosmetics in China without testing on animals, follows a consultation by the Chinese authorities on the way forward with submissions from Cruelty Free International, as well as Chinese and international industry, and discussions with Cruelty Free International’s Director of Policy in Beijing and Shanghai last month and earlier in the year.
Michelle Thew, Chief Executive, Cruelty Free International, says, ‘This breakthrough will mean that the last global regulatory body that required animal testing is ready to accept alternatives for the majority of cosmetics. While we are awaiting details and final confirmation of the draft, potentially this could transform the situation in China for ethical cosmetic companies who have up to now refused to sell in China in order to remain in the Leaping Bunny accreditation scheme, which bars cosmetics whose ingredients are tested on animals. We also welcome the role of the European Commission, who have told us they have been offering technical support and advice to China in this area.
This shows what can be done when animal protection organisations, industry and the Commission all work together. We also expect this to help our work in Japan, Korea and other countries which are moving towards an end to the archaic approach of cosmetic testing on animals.’

Source: Cruelty Free International


狗狗有胰臟炎前科 「不可」 食用 「布鍏食療」 !!! (英)

“In using the Budwig Diet, be sure to use recommended dosages* for your dog's weight and size. Also, some dogs are prone to pancreatitis. The fat content in the diet can sometimes induce this [by fat content, the author is referring to the additional fat introduced via the flaxoil/cottage cheese or quark mixture]. Due to years of eating processed dog food, liver blockages can develop -- which makes a dog more susceptible to pancreatitis. A liver cleanse can help clear the blockages -- using dandelion root and administering frequent liver massages.
Also, some have suggested using digestive enzymes along with the Budwig Diet to help break down the fat, although this has not yet been confirmed.
Here are the symptoms of pancreatitis: the dog becomes unresponsive (refuses to move much), general weakness, refuses to eat, and tests will show an increase in liver enzymes. The treatment is: fast the dog on water for a day or two and eliminate all fats. Then, increase food intake gradually. This was successful for our dog, and he was fine within a couple of weeks.”

Source: http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/pet-cancer-cure-testimonials.html



PETA "DO" LIST "朋友狗狗" 年度更新 2013

去年的秋季,朋友狗狗在 這裡 整合了 PETA 的 "DO" LIST。藉著剛剛一年的時間,就讓我為大家再做一個 "2013年秋季" 的更新。好讓我們在選擇秋冬護膚品的時候有一個參考。

如果未有看過去年朋友狗狗有關 "動物測試" 的文章及資料搜集的,不明白我們為什麼會反對動物測試的朋友,可以先到 這裡 了解一下。


什麼是 "DO" LIST

我們在理解 PETA 的 "DO" LIST 的時候,首先要知道 PETA 整合 "DO" LIST 的模式。 "DO" LIST ,就是名單裡上的公司承認了他們在生產過程中有利用動物對其產品或其成份進行測試。而名單中大企業的子公司如果其母公司是有參與動物測試的話,該子公司就會被納入在 "DO" LIST 之內。因此,我們可以見到一些品牌他們被大企業如 Estee Lauder / L'Oreal 等收購後,會出現在 "DO" LIST 之內。

2013年的 "DO" LIST

下面是以去年朋友狗狗的 "DO" LIST 與今年11月6日 PETA 公佈的 "DO" LIST 比較後的更新名單。不在去年九月份整理名單上的品牌,今年我都用了 紅色 讓大家作為參考。而今年在 PETA "DO" LIST 上被刪除了的品牌,朋友狗狗就在下面名單上以 刪除線 作為識認。

朋友狗狗發現,一些沒有在去年整理名單上的 "DO" LIST 品牌, 例如 Bobbi Brown,Clarins,Clinique,Jo Malone,La Mer,Lab Series for MEN可能由於被收購或母公司經過一些的股權變化的關係;又或者是因為要進入中國市場,為了要乎合中國銷售化妝品的法律因此而開始採用動物測試,因此今年都被納入了在 "DO" LIST 之內。 

雖然,我們經常說最好的方法是向有關品牌查詢。可是,當我們看 Bobbi Brown 在網頁上有關動物測試的聲明時,它們是這樣寫的:
(We do not conduct animal testing on our products or ingredients, nor ask others to test on our behalf, except when required by law...)
根據澳洲消委會核下的 CHOICE 機構進行的神秘顧客調查,Bobbi Brown 由於要打入中國市場,於2013年開始進行動物測試,以乎合中國銷售化妝品的法例。

因此,查看該產品有沒有銷售到中國市場似乎是一個比較簡單的做法。。。就好像一些品牌 The Body Shop,Lush Cosmestics,Paul Mitchell 等就已經公開表示不會為了要打入中國市場而放棄自己品牌的理念。

1. Which major cosmetics companies are misleading consumers about animal testing?
2. Animal testing labelling - Conflicting Claims

PETA "DO" LIST (PDF) (共 205 個品牌):
  1. 3M
  2. Acuvue
  3. Aim
  4. Air Wick
  5. Alberto-Culver
  6. Almay
  7. Always
  8. Ambi
  9. NEW* American Beauty (Estee Lauder)
  10. Aquafresh
  11. NEW* Aramis (Estee Lauder)
  12. Arm & Hammer
  13. Armor All  
  14. Arrid
  15. Aussie
  16. Aveeno
  17. Avon Products, Inc
  18. Axe
  19. Bain de Soleil
  20. Band-Aid
  21. Bic Corporation
  22. Biotherm
  23. Blue Buffalo
  24. NEW* Bobbi Brown (Estee Lauder) 
  25. Boyle-Midway
  26. Braun
  27. NEW* Bumble and Bumble (Estee Lauder)
  28. Cacharel
  29. Calgon
  30. Carefree
  31. Caudalie USA, Inc.
  32. Chapstick
  33. Christina Aguilera Perfumes
  34. Church & Dwight
  35. Clairol
  36. NEW* Clarins of Paris
  37. Clean & Clear
  38. Clearasil
  39. NEW* Clinique (Estee Lauder)
  40. Clorox
  41. Close-up
  42. NEW* Coach (Estee Lauder)
  43. Comfort
  44. Coppertone
  45. Crest
  46. Dad's Pet Care
  47. DDF
  48. Dial Corporation
  50. NEW* Donna Karan (Estee Lauder)
  51. Dove
  52. Downy
  53. Drano
  54. Dry Idea
  55. Dunhill Fragrances
  56. Easy-Off
  57. Edge
  58. Elizabeth Arden
  59. Escada Fragrances
  60. Estee Lauder
  61. Ever Clean
  62. Fantastik
  63. Febreze
  64. Fekkai
  65. Finish
  66. NEW* Flirt! (Estee Lauder)
  67. Formula 409
  68. Fresh Step
  69. Garnier
  70. NEW* Gatineau (Revlon)
  71. Gillette Co
  72. Giorgio Armani
  73. Glad
  74. Glade
  75. NEW* Good Skin Labs (Estee Lauder)
  76. NEW* Grassroots (Estee Lauder)
  77. Green Works
  78. Gucci Fragrances
  79. NEW* Guerlain
  80. Halo
  81. Head & Shoulders
  82. Helena Rubinstein
  83. Helene Curtis Industies
  84. Herbal Essences
  85. Hoyu
  86. Hugo Boss
  87. Iams
  88. Ivory
  89. NEW* Jo Malone (Estee Lauder)
  90. Johnson & Johnson
  91. Johnson's
  92. Joy
  93. Jurlique Pure Skin Care
  94. K.Y.
  95. Kaboom
  96. NEW* Kao USA
  97. Kerastase
  98. Kiehl's
  99. L’Oreal USA
  100. L’Occitane
  101. NEW* La Mer (Estee Lauder)
  102. NEW* Lab Series for Men (Estee Lauder)
  103. Lacoste Fragrances
  104. Lancome
  105. LaRoche Posay
  106. Lever Bros
  107. Liquid Plumr
  108. Listerine
  109. Lubriderm
  110. Lux
  111. Lysol
  112. M.A.C. Cosmetics
  113. NEW* Mary Kay
  114. Matrix Essentials
  115. Max Factor
  116. Maybelline
  117. Mead
  118. Melaleuca
  119. Mentadent
  120. Merck
  121. NEW* Michael Kors (Estee Lauder)
  122. NEW* Missoni (Estee Lauder)
  123. NEW* Mitchum Deodorant (Revlon)
  124. Mizani
  125. Mop & Glo
  126. Mr. Clean 
  127. Nair
  128. Natural Instincts 
  129. Nature's Source 
  130. Neutrogena 
  131. New Dana Perfumes 
  132. Nice and Easy 
  133. Nu Skin International 
  134. Off 
  135. NEW* Ojon (Estee Lauder)
  136. Olay 
  137. Old English 
  138. Old Spice 
  139. Oomph!
  140. NEW* Osiao (Estee Lauder) 
  141. Oral-B 
  142. Oust 
  143. OxiClean 
  144. Pampers 
  145. Pantene 
  146. Pearl Drops 
  147. Pfizer 
  148. Physique 
  149. Pine-Sol 
  150. Piz Buin 
  151. Pledge 
  152. Ponds
  153. NEW* Prescriptives (Estee Lauder) 
  154. Procter & Gamble 
  155. Puffs 
  156. Purell 
  157. Purex 
  158. Purpose 
  159. Raid 
  160. Ralph Lauren Frangrances 
  161. Reach 
  162. Reckitt Benckiser 
  163. Redken 
  164. Rembrandt 
  165. ReNu 
  166. Renuzit 
  167. Resolve 
  168. Revlon 
  169. Rid-X 
  170. Right Guard 
  171. ROC 
  172. Rogaine 
  173. S.C. Johnson  
  174. S.O.S
  175. Savlon
  176. Schering-Plough
  177. Scoop Away
  178. Scope
  179. Scrubbing Bubbles 
  180. Sebastian Professional
  181. Secret 
  182. Sensodyne 
  183. Shiseido Cosmetics
  184. Shout
  185. Shower to Shower 
  186. Shu Uemura
  187. Signal 
  188. NEW* Sinful Colors (Revlon) 
  189. SK-II
  190. Skin ID
  191. Skintimate 
  192. Soft & Dri
  193. SoftSheen
  194. Spray 'N Wash
  195. Stayfree
  196. Suave
  197. Sunlight
  198. Sunsilk
  199. Swiffer
  200. Tide
  201. Tilex
  202. NEW* Tom Ford (Estee Lauder)
  203. NEW* Tommy Hilfiger (Estee Lauder) 
  204. Unilever
  205. Vaseline
  206. Veet 
  207. Vichy 
  208. Vicks 
  209. Vidal Sasson 
  210. Viktor & Rolf 
  211. Walgreens
  212. Windex 
  213. Woolite 
  214. NEW* Yves Rocher USA
  215. Zest