[接上 狗狗的關節炎 (上)]
關節炎是骨骼的炎症. 是當骨與骨之間的軟骨組織或保護軟骨之間的滑液於長時間的磨損或因老化而流失以致的病症. 由於是屬於退化性的症狀, 關節炎沒有根治的辦方法. 但, 作為狗狗的父母, 我們是可以幫助控制炎症的惡化及痛楚的.
發現上文[狗狗的關節炎 (上)] 提及的症狀後, 便應該帶狗狗去看獸醫. 若經診斷後, 証實狗狗已經患上關節炎, 除了作出合適的治理外, 回家後, 我們還有什麼需要特別留意, 去幫助狗狗減輕病情及痛楚呢...?
This photo shows my Chung Chung suffering severe pain in an Arthritis strike in 2011
此相片攝於2011年, 相中的聰聰正因為關節炎復發而極度痛楚中
Copyright @lice99 2011
我們可以用一暖水袋或保溫包, 輕輕敷於狗狗的患處之上. 熱力滲入他的肌肉及關節之內, 可以減輕他的痛楚. 但小心及記謹要測試溫度, 過熱會把狗狗灼傷啊~
在冬天及在潮濕的天氣, 他的關節會特別疼痛. 溫度及濕度會把他的關節變得彊硬. 因此記得把他好好保暖. 必要時加一張毛毯或讓他睡在軟床上.
若你的狗狗患處是在頸部或膊頭位置, 可以把他的飲食器皿提高以減低他彎身的需要. 除了可以在寵物用品店買到合適的器皿之外, 以穩定的矮凳子把他的器皿盛高也是一個可行的辦法.
適量運動 但避免樓梯
適量, 但不過份的運動有助他段練肌肉及舒展身心. 最好的運動當然是游泳啦. 但日常生活之中, 主人可以帶狗狗去游泳的機會真的不多. 取代日常的運動需要, 我們可以以平路及短途慢行的散步模式代替. 若在散步時, 你的狗狗示意他想離開或回家時, 那可能是表示他的患處已經負荷不了今天的運動量, 那就不要強迫他喇~
記著, 患上關節炎的及年紀大的狗狗, 是絕對不適合走樓梯及斜路的啊~
如果發現他經常要爭扎式的從地上爬起來, 或走路時腳步經常滑倒, 就可能表示家中的地板太滑了. 把一張防滑地毯放在他經常躺臥的地方, 或轉用一些防滑的清潔劑, 可以幫助他及減輕他的關節的負荷啊~
體重的負荷對於患上關節炎的狗狗來說是特別沉重的. 超重除了會引起其他身體的毛病之外, 沉重的身軀更加會加重他的壓力. 因此, 為了要減輕他的負荷, 我們要好好的調節他的飲食習慣, 把他的體重保持在最適當重量. 請徵詢你的獸醫, 你的寶貝的最合適重量是多少, 然後再有效地控制他的飲食模式吧~
研究及臨床經驗顯示, 針灸及按摩能幫助減輕狗狗的關節痛楚. 市面上的確有專為狗狗診療的針灸獸醫及按摩師. 嘗試之前, 不妨向你的獸醫查詢一下, 看看你的狗狗的病情是否適合作出該等治療.
Arthritis’ simply means inflammation of the joints. Arthritis is when the protective cartilage or synovial fluid in the joints breaks down. There is no cure for arthritis, but you can help to manage it. Some affected areas include the hips, kneecaps, wrists, shoulders, neck and elbows. Some breeds are more susceptible to arthritis than others.
Most cases of arthritis in dogs simply come from old age, and the wear and tear throughout your dogʼs life. However, some common causes of arthritis include poor nutrition, obesity, trauma or damage to the bones or joints, or malformation of a dogʼs bone structure.
The overall outcome of these factors is inflammation of the joints and irritated nerve endings. These will show as stiffness, pain and loss of energy for every day activities.
Some symptoms to look out for when dealing with dog arthritis are:
- Sleeping often
- Difficulty in standing, walking or sitting
- Hesitancy to jump up or climb stairs
- Decreased interest in everyday activities.
- Favoring a limb
If you notice any of these symptoms, your dog may have arthritis. Once arthritis has been properly diagnosed, there are a number of home remedies available to help ease the pain your dog’s joints.
Home Remedies for Dog Arthritis
Control Their Weight. A healthy diet is extremely important for your dog during arthritis. Getting rid of excess weight is beneficial for your dog, as he won’t have to carry any more weight around on his joints. Fat tissues secrete hormones that cause pain.
Apply Heat on Sore Joints. Applying a warm compress to your dog’s joints will help to ease the pain. Heat will penetrate deep into the muscle to the joint for relief. Keep in mind your dog cannot get up fast, so avoid burning him with a water bottle that’s too hot.
Light Exercise. Exercise should be regular, but not too strenuous. If your dog wants to turn and go back home after a short walk, let him. The key is constant exercise, but keeping it light and short. Avoid walking when it is too cold out, as the joints will be especially sore. Treadmills are great when supervised, and swimming is a great form of exercise as well.
Keep Them Warm and Comfortable. This is especially important on cold or wet days. Cold weather may cause the joints to be especially stiff or swollen. Add an extra blanket to his bed or let him sleep inside the house. Adding an extra pillow will also help keep him comfortable and ease pain in the joints.
Raise Food and Water Dishes. This is especially important if your dog has arthritis in the neck or shoulders. Bending down may cause tension and pain, so raising his food and water dishes will help him to eat pain free. You may notice a weight loss during arthritis, and the pain to eat may be the source of this.
Slip-Free Floors. Your dog may struggle when walking on hard wood floors. If you notice this, consider getting a rug for common areas he plays or rests. Using different cleaning products on the floors may also help with slipping paws.
Massage and Acupuncture Therapy. You can do massages at home or take your dog to a professional. Massages and acupuncture provide relief for sore, inflamed joints and will help to loosen these areas up.
Keeping your dog comfortable during his time with arthritis will be extremely beneficial. You can also talk to your veterinarian about supplements and treatment options available for your dog’s case of arthritis.
Dog Help Network: http://www.dogarthritisresource.com/