
朋友狗狗是一名領養者。從2005前收養 「聰聰」 開始,朋友狗狗開始認識和尊重生命。多年來,從 「聰聰」 身上,2011年在繁殖場被拯救的 「思思」 身上,2014 年也是在繁殖場被拯救的「桃桃」 身上,朋友狗狗不僅學懂了生命的意義,人生的哲學,和待人處事的態度。他們,對於朋友狗狗來說,就是有著很厚深感情,曾經共患難,共生死的良師益友。

朋友狗狗支持領養,更支持寵愛一生。反對繁殖,反對購買,及一切以生命作為買賣的行為。 請以認養代替購買~


Petition: Stop Shooting Stray Dogs in Kota Kinabalu

From the Petition Site:

Kota Kinabalu authorities are required to take stray dogs to an animal shelter, where they will receive care for at least 48 hours. Unfortunately, this regulation is not being respected. In response to recent complaints about strays, authorities approached a citizen and requested that he kill stray dogs with a blowpipe and poison darts. The shooter claims to have killed 5,000 dogs with his blowpipe since 2010.

Compared to euthanasia, blowpipes and poison darts are an extremely painful and terrifying way to kill an animal. The poison can take eight minutes to put a dog down, and dogs begin to vomit four minutes after being poisoned. This means that the animal is in excruciating pain before it dies. Stray dogs often belong to someone, and killing them on-sight prevents owners from claiming their lost pet at a shelter.

Dogs deserve the opportunity to be reunited with their owners. If they must be put down, it should be by gentle euthanasia, and only after 48 hours in a shelter.

Please sign the Petition to enforce a ban on killing stray dogs in Kota Kinabalu by any other method, except in self-defense cases.


Please click onto this link to sign the Petition to ban this inhumane shooting.  There are a whole lot of other methods than shooting to handle strays.  Nameste~ _/\_
We have collected 19,568 signatures so far, our goal is 30,000.

Below is the Petition to the KK authorities

Dear Kota Kinabalu Authorities,
We, the undersigned, are shocked to hear about a Malaysian citizen killing stray dogs with a blowpipe and poison darts. Kota Kinabalu authorities and others are required to take stray dogs to an animal shelter, where they will receive care for at least 48 hours before being euthanized.

Compared to euthanasia, blowpipes and poison darts are an extremely painful and terrifying way to kill an animal. The poison can take eight minutes to put a dog down, and dogs begin to vomit four minutes after being poisoned. This means that the animal is in excruciating pain before it dies. Stray dogs often belong to someone, and killing them on-sight prevents owners from claiming their lost pet at a shelter.

Source: The Petition Site

