
朋友狗狗是一名領養者。從2005前收養 「聰聰」 開始,朋友狗狗開始認識和尊重生命。多年來,從 「聰聰」 身上,2011年在繁殖場被拯救的 「思思」 身上,2014 年也是在繁殖場被拯救的「桃桃」 身上,朋友狗狗不僅學懂了生命的意義,人生的哲學,和待人處事的態度。他們,對於朋友狗狗來說,就是有著很厚深感情,曾經共患難,共生死的良師益友。

朋友狗狗支持領養,更支持寵愛一生。反對繁殖,反對購買,及一切以生命作為買賣的行為。 請以認養代替購買~



今天是世界被遺棄動物日, 你對這個日子認識多少?

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原文節錄自: Ceasar's Ways: The Story of World Stray Animals Day 世界被遺棄動物日 (英文)

This may be the first time you’re hearing about World Stray Animal Day. It’s only been around a couple of years. We chatted with the organizers and they answered some of our questions about its origins and what the day’s all about.

How did this start out?

In the fall of 2010, one hundred Dutch stray animals organizations gathered for the first time ever at the First Dutch National Stray Animals Conference. On this day, a leading Dutch marketing guru came up with the idea of a special day in honor of all stray animals worldwide.

Why the date 4/4?

The date 4/4 was chosen for three reasons. First of all, it is exactly half a year after October 4, which is World Animal Day. Besides, 4/4 is easy to remember. It gets in people’s heads. Finally, it is a relaxed time with no special days or holidays, so people have time and energy to prepare and organize events.

  What can people do on April 4?

The idea is simple: both stray organizations and caring individuals can use this day to draw attention to the often miserable fate of stray animals. They can organize a free spay and neuter event, go into the streets and feed the hungry animals, hold lotteries, address the community council, get interviewed by the local press, hold a local Stray Animal of the Year contest, etc. Basically it’s up to everyone to decide what they are planning to do. But when they back up their efforts with the concept of World Stray Animals Day they we think they’ll attract more attention.

How successful was it last year?

In its first year over 2,000 people showed their sympathy for our cause. Events were organized in 15 countries around the world, ranging from the United Kingdom to Macedonia, and from Georgia to Sri Lanka, to name a few. In Romania, a wave of flash mobs was held in 15 cities on April 4. In Germany April 4 was celebrated big time on a reality TV show that follows an animal hospital.

How would you advise an interested person to help your initiative?

Everybody can contribute. People can organize a local event. Or they can become active on our social media team. We’re constantly looking for dedicated people to help. You could for example become the representative of your own country, and help us spread the word of 4/4 all around the world. Also, we have a social media team that works on sharing our cause through social media—on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, and other platforms. Anyone can help! Just check out our website www.strayanimalsday.org and get in touch with us!

