
朋友狗狗是一名領養者。從2005前收養 「聰聰」 開始,朋友狗狗開始認識和尊重生命。多年來,從 「聰聰」 身上,2011年在繁殖場被拯救的 「思思」 身上,2014 年也是在繁殖場被拯救的「桃桃」 身上,朋友狗狗不僅學懂了生命的意義,人生的哲學,和待人處事的態度。他們,對於朋友狗狗來說,就是有著很厚深感情,曾經共患難,共生死的良師益友。

朋友狗狗支持領養,更支持寵愛一生。反對繁殖,反對購買,及一切以生命作為買賣的行為。 請以認養代替購買~



[查看本網站其他 關於動物測試 文章]

最新名單 (PETA 於 2012年10月14日更新)

* 公司堅持用全素
紅色 - 新列入名單的品牌
大型字體 - 香港有售品牌

1. Pacha (Puig)
2. * Pallas Athene Soap
3. Pangea Organics
4. * Paradise City Herbal
5. Parissa Laboratories Inc.
6. Parlux Fragrances
7. * Patch Me Up Organics
8. Pathmark Stores
9. Patricia Allison Natural Beauty Products
10. Patricia Wexler M.D.
11. Paul Labrecque
12. * Paul Mazzotta
13. Paul Mitchell Systems
14. Paul Penders
15. Paula's Choice
16. Payot (Puig)
17. * Peach & Lemon
18. * Pelon's Organics
19. New! People for Plants
20. * Perfect Organics

21. * Performance Brands Inc.
22. Pet Chef Express
23. Pet Guard Inc.
24. Pet Vitamins
25. * PetGuard
26. * PH Beauty Labs
27. * Pharmacopia
28. * Pharmagel International
29. PHUK Cosmetics
30. Physicians Formula
31. * Pilot Corporation of America
32. Pink Beauty Cosmetics
33. * Pink Quartz Minerals
34. * Pink Wipes
35. Pinup Balm
36. * Pittstown Soapworks
37. Plain Jane Skin Care
38. * Planet
39. Planet Botanicals
40. * Planet Eve Organics

41. Poofy Organics
42. Posh Brats
43. * Posha Beauty
44. PoshNosh Inc
45. Positively Organic Skincare
46. Prada (Puig)
47. Prada
48. prawduct
49. Precious Moments
50. Premiere Products Inc.
51. Preserve Products
52. Prestige Cosmetics
53. * Preston Cosmetics
54. New! Pretty Pretty Pop Pop
55. Priia Cosmetics
56. Primal Pet Foods
57. Principal Secret
58. * Pristine Beauty
59. Pro-Tec Pet Health
60. Product Body

61. * Professional Pet Products
62. Promo Lip Balm
63. ProRituals (Robanda International)
64. * PrttyPeaushun
65. Puig USA
66. Pur Minerals
67. PuraBotanica
68. Pure & Basic Products
69. Pure Anada Natural Cosmetics
70. * Pure Ayre
71. Pure Enchantment
72. Pure Life Soap Co.
73. * Pure Light LLC
74. Pure Strength
75. * Pure Touch
76. PureCeuticals
77. * PureOlogy (L'Oreal)
78. Puretopia
79. Purple Prairie Botanicals
80. Pursuit of Cleanliness (MultiFarious Publica Group)
81. * Pyur


